
Summer Time started,it’s tough to change myself.


先週末の日曜日にsummer timeへと切り替わり、1時間早くなったために午後8時近くまで太陽の余韻が残ります。気候も随分暖かくなったので、作業時間がぐっと伸び、私たちにはいい後押しとなりそうです。ただ、時差ぼけの様に朝はみんな寝坊気味です。長年この習慣で生活している彼らにも、この一時間の差は時計の様には切り替わらないようです。


It's 6:30 pm. Still under sunshine. We can work more!

WET experience

lunch time at a little park in downtown.



以前、この噴水をデザインした会社”WET design” の代表の方の話を聞いた事があります。彼らは「体験」をデザインに写す事を常に大切にしており、特に、科学の面白さ、美しさを子供に伝える事を重要なコンセプトとしているようです。ここの広場に訪れる限り、いつも彼らのデザインは成功しているなあと感じます。


Every kids are enjoying this fountain.

MOVIE: “The Artist”

今晩は仕事を早く切り上げ、以前から気になっていた映画 The Artist (official trailer) を見に行ってきました。2011年度のアカデミー賞で5部門受賞したために有名になりましたが、この映画は、1930年頃のハリウッドを舞台にしたフランス映画、白黒映画かつ無声映画という面白い設定で製作されたものです。






Meeting at our office.




Our little office






Thank you for the introduction.

My name is Atsushi Yamamoto from Tokyo, Japan. I came to this city three years ago, I did not have any money in my pockets. But my pockets were full of desire to design beautiful architecture. At that time, “and still now”, I did not speak much English. I remember the first English I learned. I was at a bar with some friends and they taught me that if you say “drop your pocket”, someone will turn around and look for something they dropped.

The next week, I was very excited to try to use my new English with a beautiful woman. I am always excited to see beautiful women as well as beautiful architecture. So when I saw a beautiful woman, I said “Drop your pocket”. But nothing happened. I still don’t understand that phrase.

It was really hard for me to learn English and architecture. I almost lived in the studio to study all the time. It was intense. The only thing that could satisfy me is the view of the mountains. It is crazy that just yesterday it was snowing. The mountains are celebrating our graduation. I am still thinking about my last studio project. 10 days before the final presentation, when everyone was working hard to make their presentation boards. I completely changed my design, again, that was also crazy.

There were times when I almost lost my desire, the desire that I bought in my pocket, the desire to finish my project. Late at night, 3 am or 4 am, I often thought it seemed to be impossible to finish and make presentation boards and models. But whenever that thought came to me, I saw in the other students’ eyes how serious they were. They gave me the strength to continue. And then I could believe that I would finish my project. After the presentation many students came to me and said your project was really good. I have to say thank you to all of you for helping me finish my project. Because at that time, from your eyes, I felt the desire in your pocket was connected to mine. My pocket was not empty any longer.

From now, we join the real world. I often heard how hard it is to live as an architect. But I will not run away no matter how huge the constraints are, no matter how poor I am and no matter how much I spend the strength and desire in my pocket. Because I know all of you will chase beautiful architecture and realize beautiful architecture. And when I will think of all of you, my pockets will never be empty.

The same thing will happen to you. No matter how boring your work is, no matter how hard your work is, no matter how cheap your salary is, do not complain. Please start to influence and involve the people next to you, your boss and your family with a smile. Because the fact is, that you can make a good impact on the world as long as your pockets are full of desire. All of us will do well and do good somewhere in the world.

So, I also want to say thank you to all the professors who guided me to study architecture and gave me strong connections to others in these circumstances so that I feel that I have infinite strength.

The sky is the limit. And today the sky is clear and we have no limits. Our pockets are full of desire.

This is my final word. “Don’t drop your pocket”.

Can anyone tell me what that really means?

Thank you very much.

Winter came back,snow again.


When I wake up.the white world stays there.

Students rose the center column. It looks heavy.

Next step, it's setting beams!