
guests from Australia

Two young architects from Australia came to Bluff. Their theme of this USA trip are “soil” and “design build”, and that reason why they came to us.  Both of us introduced what we’re doing in each country, and we founds many same philosophy for design or building materials. When I was talking with them, I’ve reminded the passion of the architecture, the interesting into material and the fun of handcraft that I’ve known when I was students.


honer to be here

Last weekend, we had a ceremony for the completion of a memorial project. This was designed to remember a female DBB student who has past away when she was young. We worked this project with students of Tokyo metropolitan University.  It designed well with Japanese and Navajo cultures, and express life and death with light and shadow. All of participating in the party celebrated the completion with tears and smiles. It was beautiful.


Muddy after school

We had a muddy after school program with the kids in Bluff elementary school. We mixed and plastered the natural material by hands on the earth bench. We made the bench about a year ago, but it’s getting damage by exposing to the weather. It’s necessary to maintenance the natural plaster at outside, but also it’s great opportunity for the fun and education. And it’s very safe (no chemical) !


Students’ skill of Design and Build




install cellulose



install poly sheeting


ready for cellulose

spray form for small gap

spray form for small gap

install selllose

install cellulose





Final day of 3nd session.


group photo

group photo

finish all rough electrical wire

finish all rough electrical wire

finish rough plumbing wire

finish rough plumbing wire

finish 2nd session

finish 2nd session


And I cook Japanese curry for dinner

And I cook Japanese curry for dinner





How to install windows


install windows

install windows

1: make a dam at the bottom

1: make a dam at the bottom

2: install water shield tape on the dam

2: install water shield tape on the dam

3: glue for window flame

3: glue for window flame

5: install window with roofing nails

4: install window with roofing nails

6: water shield from bottom

5: water shield from bottom

6: water shield from bottom

6: water shield from bottom

7: cover the top

7: cover the top









Plumbing Work


lower shower connection for ADA

lower shower connection for ADA

cutting pipe

cutting pipe

cool tool to make hole in lumber

Cool tool to make hole in lumber. We can use it in tiny space.


Good idea to organize the variety plumbing stuff

Good idea to organize the variety plumbing stuff



natural rammed earth 04, taking off the form


taking off the rammed earth form

taking off the rammed earth form

top of the rammed earth wall

top of the rammed earth wall

appearing the cool wall

appearing the cool wall




natural rammed earth 03, to the top


getting higher!

getting higher!

install the header for the door

install the header for the door

install the steel hardware as hidden structure

install the steel hardware as hidden structure

top layer if rammed earth, it will attach with the roof

top layer if rammed earth, it will attach with the roof

the whole of the form work

the whole of the form work





natural rammed earth 02, form work

版築作業その2 最初のトライでは、土を激しく突き固めるなかで型枠が強度不十分で湾曲してしまったので、強度を増した型枠で再チャレンジです。2x12を主に使って作った型枠ではこの型枠が足場にもなるのでとても使い勝手がいいものになりました。

first stage. The form flame can use as scaffolding.

first stage. The form flame can use as scaffolding.

Shizuku is checking the work, too.

Shizuku is checking the work, too.

Special tool ! We made some improvements to hammer drill.

Special tool ! We made some improvements to hammer drill.

clay & lime (20%) & little water

clay & lime (20%) & little water






roof details in different culture

Setting TJI beams

Setting TJI beams




ornamental wall

structure of ornamental wall


covered with OSB

covered with OSB


natural rammed earth 01, improvement


mixing local clay and lime

mixing local clay and lime

rammed earth layer

rammed earth layer


crack cause flame problem

crack cause flame problem

the print is reflected on the surface

the print is reflected on the surface

edge of rammed earth wall

edge of rammed earth wall

demolition to start over

demolition to start over







framing work

久々に現場にいって来ました。今回のsession goalは”部屋内を完全にドライの状態にすること”です。壁、屋根の構造、窓、ドアの設置、電気配線と配管の設置をこの3週間で予定しています。

building the interior wall

assemble the interior load bearing wall



setting TJI beams 16''oc

setting TJI beams 16”oc


elevation from SE corner

elevation from SE corner


BIG-D donation!


24' long TJI

24′ long TJI

total donation lumbers

total donation lumbers


Insulation for foundation


install the insulation not only the foundation perimeter, under, underneath too.

install the insulation not only the foundation perimeter, under, underneath too.


setting insulation

setting insulation

re-bar joist

re-bar joist


setting re-bar

setting re-bar



Positions for concrete work


2nd concrete day

2nd concrete day

almost finish

almost finish


Concrete Work

今日はコンクリ打設初日、天気は絶好の打設日和です。今日はトレンチのみを打設予定、合計で240cuftを13人で2時間半で打設しました。大体このぐらいの人数だと、1 load = 6cuft (バケツ半分を1として、12杯でミックス)。5min/load として、1h=72cuft が目安なので、予定より随分早く完了。みんな良くがんばってくれました。

bridge system

bridge system

first concrete day for trench

first concrete day for trench


Site Visit




現場は電動工具でうるさいのと、どこも砂埃があること、日差しが強すぎる、という3重苦でやっぱり赤ちゃんには向いて居ませんでした。結局、現場滞在中は車内で授乳やオムツ替えをして終わってしまいました。 いままで何ともなかった騒音や砂埃が気になることに、自分の目線が変わったことを気づかされ、またプロジェクトへの関わり方もやっぱりこれまで通りでは行かないから、別の手段を考える必要があることに気づきました。IMG_3116