
Garden season came!


the garden season came!

the garden season came!


Final day of 3nd session.


group photo

group photo

finish all rough electrical wire

finish all rough electrical wire

finish rough plumbing wire

finish rough plumbing wire

finish 2nd session

finish 2nd session


And I cook Japanese curry for dinner

And I cook Japanese curry for dinner





How to install windows


install windows

install windows

1: make a dam at the bottom

1: make a dam at the bottom

2: install water shield tape on the dam

2: install water shield tape on the dam

3: glue for window flame

3: glue for window flame

5: install window with roofing nails

4: install window with roofing nails

6: water shield from bottom

5: water shield from bottom

6: water shield from bottom

6: water shield from bottom

7: cover the top

7: cover the top









Plumbing Work


lower shower connection for ADA

lower shower connection for ADA

cutting pipe

cutting pipe

cool tool to make hole in lumber

Cool tool to make hole in lumber. We can use it in tiny space.


Good idea to organize the variety plumbing stuff

Good idea to organize the variety plumbing stuff



natural rammed earth 04, taking off the form


taking off the rammed earth form

taking off the rammed earth form

top of the rammed earth wall

top of the rammed earth wall

appearing the cool wall

appearing the cool wall




night school Thurthday

昨晩の授業は”ROOT BEER”. 木の根や皮に香りを付けた炭酸飲料で、アメリカならではの飲み物の代表といっていいほどのこちらでは人気の飲み物です。特にモルモン教徒の多いこのユタでは、アルコール飲料の代わりにこのroot beerを飲む人が多いのはないでしょうか。

materials for root beer

materials for root beer


pour the root beer to the bottle

pour the root beer to the bottle


add little yeast and put the cap

add little yeast and put the cap

今まで市販ROOT BEERを飲んでいた時は、その複雑な味に、これは何か色々な添加物が入った薬みたいだ。。。と敬遠していたのですが、原材料が分かって飲むと、意外にいける!、と印象が変わりました。特にアルコールが飲めない現在の身では、ビール瓶に入った炭酸飲料というだけで少しワクワクもします。ただ、アルコールビールよりもかなり甘いですけど。